Saturday, February 14, 2015

Getting over the Hump

You have to be able to self-motivate to be a soul winner. 

It's not always skittles and unicorns and there are lots of 

times when the only thing making you go out is obedience to the Word, because you don't always feel like it. There have been so many times that I could have let the enemy win. It is a battle of the mind that you absolutely MUST win. 

Common mental soul winning roadblocks:

1. Nobody will help me-  Get over it, grow up and go it alone. Paul spent alot of time alone in his missions spreading the gospel.

2. I can't afford it- It is free to talk so open your mouth and let Jesus tell you what to say. Also, the Bible tells us not to worry about food, shoes, or shelter. Just go and trust that the Lord will be faithful to your physical needs, and He will.

3. Nobody ever comes to church when I invite them. 

    I can tell you two things here. First, pray that Jesus will direct you to specific people that need Him and your numbers will improve. Second, you plant. Just plant. You are obeying Jesus by witnessing, so He has to draw them, not you. Just keep going.

4. I'm too shy. Seriously? I'm not so it is hard for me to understand this, but I have a solution. Go to, spend $10 and order 250 business cards with your name, email, number, and church number. Include service times. On the back place 3 key scriptures that will be helpful for someone in need. Then all you have to do is hand it to someone without going through the whole "witness" thing. Although I will remind you that we are all called to witness, so I'm shy is not a valid excuse to Jesus.

So turn off the tv, put down the video game controller, turn your back on the flesh, and get serious about changing the world and doing great things for God. Dont be a fair weather Christian. 

Witnessing and seeing people come to church and finding Jesus is the most rewarding experience ever because it is truly Biblical.

Go get em, it's what you were created for!!

Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make you a ruler over many. Matt 25:23