Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Power of the Spoken Word

We all know that words have power.

Some words are action words, are powerful when sounded out, and describe a dynamic event. 

I'm really referring to the power of a faith filled  spoken word. 

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: (Deuteronomy 30:19 KJV)

We all have a choice every day to speak into existance blessings, or curses. 

Everyday I see and hear people talk about how sick they are or how this is going wrong or that is going wrong. While you may not feel well, you may be hurting, or there may be certain circumstances that are not optimal at the moment, I strongly discourage anyone to breath life into those things by giving them to the spoken word.

Anything that is not of God is of the devil. Period.

When the spoken Word of God goes forth, it never stops, it reverberates through the atmosphere, so it is vitally important that we weigh carefully what comes out of our mouth. When someone is expecting to hear a Word from God their heart is wide open ready to receive, so we must be careful that no ungodly spirits hitchhike on those words and enter that persons heart, defiling their spirit. 
Case in point: A preacher is having an adulturous affair, yet continues to preach over the pulpit. That spirit of adultery hitchhikes on his spoken word as his congregation soaks it up into their hearts. Now that spirit has defiled the church and adultery breaks out among members. Bro Rayford Strange told me this and it is so profound.

This is what happens when we don't live what we preach over the pulpit. 
This also explains why music has such a profound affect on our world. This music that celebrates sex, drugs, alcohol, partying, and treating women as objects to be used and discarded, has defiled the spirits of teenagers and adults alike. Even woman have allowed these lyrics to defile them and they gladly give themselves away to the closest male like a dog in heat, not realizing the damage they are doing to their souls and minds.

The spoken word is quite possibly one of the most powerful tools we have outside of prayer. 
Blessing or curse.

You life is falling apart, your relationship is failing, your health isnt what it should be, your finances are in a drought. What words were spoken to manifest these things?

The Word says if you have faith enough, you can just speak to that mountain and it will move. Some are satisfied with thinking about speaking and a figurative mountain will move. That is not enough for me because I have seen the power of God manifest. If the Bible speaks of moving a mountain, I shall speak and see a literal mountain move rocks, dirt, dust, and all!
Knowing that, why are you not speaking to these other areas of your life that are less than wonderful? 
Are you living in obedience?
Are you living a consecrated life?
How can you have power over darkness and sickness when you cannot even control your own flesh? 
If you are living in sin and not repenting daily, chances are very good that you have found the source of your problems. 

Get back to living for God. Pray, fast, study, dress in a modest and holy manner to keep your flesh in subjection. 

Dont speak something into existence that is not for the glory of Jesus or the Kingdom. 
Control your speech and do not breath life into sickness, anything that can be used by the enemy to derail you or separate you from God.

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. (Proverbs 4:23-24 KJV)

My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord: and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever. (Psalms 145:21 KJV)

Jesus Bless you!!
Bro Shad


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Getting over the Hump

You have to be able to self-motivate to be a soul winner. 

It's not always skittles and unicorns and there are lots of 

times when the only thing making you go out is obedience to the Word, because you don't always feel like it. There have been so many times that I could have let the enemy win. It is a battle of the mind that you absolutely MUST win. 

Common mental soul winning roadblocks:

1. Nobody will help me-  Get over it, grow up and go it alone. Paul spent alot of time alone in his missions spreading the gospel.

2. I can't afford it- It is free to talk so open your mouth and let Jesus tell you what to say. Also, the Bible tells us not to worry about food, shoes, or shelter. Just go and trust that the Lord will be faithful to your physical needs, and He will.

3. Nobody ever comes to church when I invite them. 

    I can tell you two things here. First, pray that Jesus will direct you to specific people that need Him and your numbers will improve. Second, you plant. Just plant. You are obeying Jesus by witnessing, so He has to draw them, not you. Just keep going.

4. I'm too shy. Seriously? I'm not so it is hard for me to understand this, but I have a solution. Go to, spend $10 and order 250 business cards with your name, email, number, and church number. Include service times. On the back place 3 key scriptures that will be helpful for someone in need. Then all you have to do is hand it to someone without going through the whole "witness" thing. Although I will remind you that we are all called to witness, so I'm shy is not a valid excuse to Jesus.

So turn off the tv, put down the video game controller, turn your back on the flesh, and get serious about changing the world and doing great things for God. Dont be a fair weather Christian. 

Witnessing and seeing people come to church and finding Jesus is the most rewarding experience ever because it is truly Biblical.

Go get em, it's what you were created for!!

Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make you a ruler over many. Matt 25:23

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Call to Repentance

It has been a long day. I had to come home and hit my knees and touch God on behalf of the many people I saw coming and going at the surgery center in Austin while I was waiting for my friend to have work done.  It breaks my heart that people are so comfortable with themselves, not knowing, or willing to know that there is so much more to life than wandering around aimlessly thinking that they are in control of their lives. The Word says, "if any man be ignorant, let them be ignorant" (1 Cor 14:38), but there has to be something that will move these people to repentance. There are so many that acknowledge that Jesus died for us , but their belief stops there. There is a price to pay. Jesus' crucifixion shows us that there will always be a price to pay for sin, and although He paid it, He did it so that people could come to Him, ask for forgiveness,and have their sins washed away in baptism by taking His name. Not so that they can go about their business thinking they have no responsibility to repent, walk with Him, and ignore his instructions. Many are ignorant of the Word, or choose to only listen to the scripture that eases their conscience, or make them think they are safe. Oh that the scales would be removed from their eyes! Television programs have made millions producing shows about zombies, but those are the ultimate reality shows, as hundreds of millions of walking dead occupy this earth today unaware of where they will spend eternity. Jesus requires so much more from us as a people, yet very few are willing to "stand in the gap" (Ez 22:30). He said that a man is to "take up his cross" (Luke 9:23) and follow him. That is a call to action, a commandment, not a request. What will it take? Even "believers" are being misled by people that chose the wide path in order to grow churches. Jesus added 3000 people to His church in one day, based solely upon the same doctrine that I preach; the original Apostolic doctrine that Jesus taught and commanded that we follow. He said it, that should be enough, yet the traditions of men have clouded people's thinking, and they question and argue with the Word of God because it does not fit in with their lifestyle or what they think that religion should be. Anyone who is serious about walking closely with God, should be praying and studying this post in order to make sure that I am in the Word . He said in Mark 14:49," I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and ye took me not: but the scriptures must be fulfilled." Jesus said, I told you what God said, but you ignored me. Nevertheless, I must die for you.
Don't ignore this post. Ask God to open your mind, to give you understanding and discernment.
Could Shad be right?
Is there a "more excellent way?" (1 Cor 12:31)
Is the Bible real?
Psalm 12:6 The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Isaiah 55:11
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
People worry that they are being told that they have "been doing it wrong". It does not matter. What matters is where you go from this point forward. That is your flesh talking and playing mind games. Do not let your flesh win.
2 Corinthians 10:5 [Full Chapter]
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
He is calling you today. Answer the call. Repent, be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ today, and you will be filled with the Spirit of God as promised by the Word.
Romans 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
Don't wait another second, it's time to get serious, and follow the One who gave everything that you might have eternal salvation.
Act on your faith!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Winning & Keeping New Converts

Are you a soul winner? 

Do you have a burden to see people baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost?

Can you step out of your comfort zone and be the witness that Jesus requires?

     We are to be witnesses by our walk, allowing people to see the way Jesus has changed us. It this enough? 

    I say no, and I will tell you why. There is no doubt that Jesus was perfect. He was the manifestation of God the omnipresent being, God in the flesh, and God the Holy Spirit, so He was not even able to be imperfect. The Gospel's record many healings, and miracles that He performed. He could have very easily, and by all accounts, did manifest the perfect walk, but He didn't stop there did He? 
     When approached by Nichodemas, He witnessed to him and gave him detailed instructions in how to be saved. Nichodemus had already acknowledged that Jesus was the Son of God so he no doubt admired His ministry. Jesus could have taken the compliment and moved on, but He wanted the soul of the lost. 

    When Jesus spent time with the Apostles and disciples, He told them not only how to be holy, but He instructed them to go make more disciples and go win souls.
    It is by this evidence that I make the statement that soulwinning is a requirement to see Heaven.
    He commanded us!

    What is soul winning and how do we know when we have win a soul for the  Kingdom?
     When you have personally compelled a person to repent, be baptized in Jesus name, and they receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, you have won a soul. 
     Is discipleship soul winning? No. Discipleship is retaining the new convert and instructing them in the walk of the Christian, after they have been won.
    Let's say you win someone to Jesus, they have been instructed on the requirement of salvation,  they come in, follow the steps and are saved. Then for some reason they don't stick, and do not
maintain their walk. Are you responsible for their soul? Yes and No. Once they have been instructed and made the choice, they are accountable, not you. You cannot force someone to stay. 
     What is important is what happens between the time they are won and the time they decide to leave. This is where the Yes comes in.
     Birthing a new babe into the Kingdom of Jesus is a glorious and life changing experience. It is as Apostolic as you can get. When we bring them in and fail
to immediately connect with them, and begin the discipleship process, we begin the process of aborting those babes, thereby setting them up to fail, then Yes you are responsible.
     Every church body or Pastor should have plans in place that specifically identify the roles of who will disciple the new converts. The saints who fill these roles need to be aware that discipleship is a full time job that cannot be properly handled only on Wednesdays and Sundays, so they must be willing to sacrifice their time and have a burden for these people.
     In order to properly connect with a new convert, one should be prepared to go to the new convert's home during the week and have that person over at your home to begin the bonding process. Shared meals, phone calls, daily texts, and weekly Bible studies on off-church days is absolutely essential. 
    So this is where I ask you.  Are you really prepared for the task? 
    If we ask Jesus to lead us to the hurting and the lost, yet fail to honor Him when He sends them, what have we accomplished? 
    If we do not handle this job properly, we can ruin them for future Apostolic churchs that Jesus may lead them to.

    As an Evangelist, and through my calling, I am required to win the lost. I am able to disciple new converts, but that is not my ministry because I am subject to go when Jesus says go, leaving a new convert hanging in the balance. My ministry entails winning them, and handing them off to the Pastor who disciples them personally, or assigns a capable saint that will begin the discipeship process. When this saint makes the connection, they then have the opportunity to come in contact with friend's and family members of the new convert and win them.
     Many churches today are just revolving doors because we do not have plans in place to minister to the needs of, or disciple the new converts. 
     We take for granted that our lives revolve around the Kingdom, and should give careful consideration to the fact that new converts still have their old schedules, or old habits, and have to literally be retrained to live for God.

God Bless,
Bro Shad

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Who are you really? - A blog about "Catfishing"

  Who are you really?   

     Every Pastor or man of God should have his congregation read this article. Today we will be discussing "Catfishing". I am going to go into cop mode for a minute and try to help protect our Saints from online con artists or scammers.

     Catfishing is defined as someone who pretends to be someone they're not, using Facebook or other social media to create false identities, or a persona that readily identifies with yours in order to connect with you.
     Why would someone do this? With the advent of social media we are now able to meet new people from around the globe. We are able see what is going on in other people's live's, celebrate with them, grieve with them, pray with them, or just see what they ate for breakfast. lol.  This platform gives us a larger outlet in which to speak freely about what matters most to us. Many times that is our family,God, our work, and our hobbies.
     While this is fun, entertaining, educational, and many times edifying, it also opens the door for those with less than honorable intentions. We unknowingly post intimate details about our lives, that people can pick up on, take note, and use to establish a profile of what we may be looking for in a friend, mate, or someone to witness to.
     This person will then find a way to make contact with you, either directly and indirectly, and start the process of building a relationship or friendship with you. Many times this isn't a quick process, because the more time they take getting to know you, the more time they have to get you to trust them. Once they have your trust, they know that you are essentially putty in their hands.
     Those that are sick, elderly, lonely, or emotionally vulnerable are apt to be victimized the most.

     These people are very good at what they do, perfecting their craft in prison many times. As a police officer, I dealt with all types of people. By far the hardest to read were drug addicts and career criminals. Why? Because they are so convincing in their mannerisms and the details, that they can fool even the sharpest of people. It takes a lot of digging and careful attention to detail to be able to see between the lies and get to the truth.
     As Apostolics we have several of the following traits that attract this type of con artist and criminal:
1. We are open to new people. It is our job to befriend new people, look past any flaws and try to lead them to Jesus.

2. We trust other Apostolic's because we believe that they have the Holy Ghost in them which should prevent them from being purposely dishonest. So when someone says they are Apostolic, we automatically open the door to them.

3. We operate in a relatively small community so we know  a lot of the same names of people, even if we have never met them.

4. We want to walk as Jesus walked, which leads us to help people that need help.

     So how do these traits make us vulnerable? 
     We meet someone new on Facebook, and they are well versed in the Word. This begins the process of us dropping our guard because we think "surely someone that can speak this eloquently about the Word of God  must be true". They have studied us in detail so they speak on topics that hit close to home to us, further lowering our guard. They start "name dropping". Bro So&So told me this, I went to Bible college with Bro John etc. Well of course we recognize those names as people of honor and character, so why would we question this con artist if he/she rubbed elbows with an anointed man or woman of God. If they trusted them then we must also. Right? Not so.

     I would like to think they we have the gift of Discernment that would raise a red flag, and we do. Many times this person will say something in passing in a telephone conversation that doesn't seem right or contradicts an earlier statement, but we write it off as an honest mistake. This is in reality, the Holy Spirit poking you and telling you to think, pray, and see it for what is it. Lies. The reality is that this con probably has multiple people they are conning and cannot keep their stories straight.

     Catfishing is not illegal that I am aware of, but it is no doubt a sin, and when it is committed with the intent to defraud, it is no less than a one way ticket to hell.

Psalm 105:15, Saying touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
     Many times this verse is used in reference only to the five fold ministry. In reality this verse covers any Saint that has the anointing of God on them, even if they are not currently working in that anointing. So when someone comes along and cons a Holy Ghost filled believer, they have not only committed the sin of lying, but they have gone against the direct Word of God.

    So how can you protect yourself from being "catfished"?

1. Pray that God points people out to you that are out to harm you, and be available for His response.

2. Pay attention to detail.

3. Check references. If this person tells you that they are preaching at a certain church, or know certain people, check it out. Call these people or places. If you cannot reach them in person, consider it a huge red flag. There is no harm in verifying because it is important that you know who you are dealing with. Why would you want to unknowingly want to fellowship with an evil person?

4. Google them. You can learn so much from doing a Google search. Many counties and states have their court documents online, and you will easily be able to see prior criminal court cases or this person's online fingerprint.

5. Check their pictures on their profile and look at the pictures that they post closely.
     A. If their family picture's never lock them in at specific place, but are very general, be wary. Examine every detail of the picture. Ask yourself if that picture was purposely taken in an obscure location.
     B. If they rarely post photos of themselves involved in activities (face uncovered), be wary. The whole point of being on social media is to share, so it is very rare that someone does not at least occasionally post a photo of themselves doing something. 
     C. When they post a picture that seems suspect, Google it also using Google images.
            1. Example: If someone posts a picture of their "trip to the donut shop" and it includes a picture, Google donut shop pic. Take a minute to look through those images, and most likely you will find that same picture that they used when they Googled the same thing. lol.

6.  If they always have drama. They will undoubtly always have a tragedy in their lives. They are gauging your responses to various situations, and when you respond in a certain way, they have you on the hook. You are being baited.

7. Never, never, never send someone any gifts or money that you do not know personally, cannot verify their story, or that you are not absolutely 100% sure is genuine. If you must send money, send it to a physical address. If you send money via Paypal, DO NOT send it as a gift. Send it as "goods and services". This will allows you to get your money back from Paypal when you find out that you have been scammed. If someone asks you to send it as a gift only via Paypal, that's a huge red flag.

     Social media is fun, I love it, and I have literally grown a ministry using it. However, if you are not extremely careful, you will be "catfished". There are many kind, wonderful, and hungry people out there waiting for you to connect with them, but you must be aware of the darker element that lurks in the shadows also.

Do your homework, don't be lazy, use the Holy Ghost as your guide. A few minutes online doing your research can save you some heartache and probably some money.

God Bless you,
Bro Shad



Saturday, January 10, 2015

When to walk away from a regular Bible study

This is really for those of you who have spent many hours teaching Bible Studies and the student never really connects, or you are beginning to feel like they are taking advantage of you. Part of being a soulwinner is having a burden to help people. Unfortunately, there are some that may keep you around, not for the Word that you bring, but for the other things you may be providing to them. This is a short article explaining why it is okay to walk away from those people without guilt. 

Okay so everybody knows that I love teaching Bible studies. Some of us would go forever if we could and not look back. 

Can two walk together, except they be agreed? (Amos 3:3 KJV)

If you have spent time with someone, taught them the Word, the necessity of salvation, and everything they need to know, let them make the decision. We cannot keep chasing after people if they refuse to decide which direction they will go. If they are not willing to be a new bottle for new wine, we cannot force them for the Word says that you cannot put new wine into an old bottle, else it will break and the wine runneth out. Once we have given of ourselves, our time, money, and energy, we must be able to recognize when it is time to dedicate our time to those that are hungry. 

And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. (Matthew 10:14 KJV)

     We love giving sacrificially, but when it becomes obvious that we are being taken advantage of, we must be able to walk away and spend our hard earned money on those that really need it and appreciate it and you. When you become a means to an end, you have ceased to become an effective witness.

     Even Jesus was rejected in Nazareth after He taught. He didn't try to stay and convince people, He left and went to Capernaum where "they were astonished" by His doctrine. There are too many hungry people out there for us to spend time "kicking against the pricks". The point is, if you have done everything you know to do, and can honestly say that you gave it your all, there is no guilt or shame in walking away.

How my years in the secular world prepared me for ministry

     Leadership. When I was in basic training, we had West Point cadets that assisted the drill instructors. While these men were intelligent, they were unable to properly lead us. Why? Because they had only read about leading in books and had no real world leadership experience. We were still able to rely on our training and experience to complete the tasks, but we had no respect for these men that called themselves leaders, yet never led. This scenario may work for a short time, but eventually the "men" will dissent and find a true leader to lead them, often looking among their peers for one that possesses those characteristics.
     Unity. That the team is more important that the individual, and that when everyone works as one, it is easier to accomplish the goal. This experience has been valuable when building teams of likeminded people for outreach,mentors, and soulwinning.
From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. (Ephesians 4:16 KJV)
Business owner- 
    The importance of a plan, goals, and a budget that I would later use when developing the Acts 2:38 Street Ministry.

Let all things be done decently and in order. (1 Corinthians 14:40 KJV)

The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want. (Proverbs 21:5 KJV)

And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. (Habakkuk 2:2 KJV)

Police Officer-
     This occupation taught me the value of being fair and not judging by appearance. It taught me to look at several small parts to see the big picture. I learned to not be easily intimidated, to be aware of my environment, and to be bold in the face of adversity.
     I took this experience and knowledge
and allowed God to use it for His Kingdom. I do not judge, I see people according to their fruit. I look at the bigger picture in the Kingdom, not just where I am in the here and now. I am bold in the Holy Ghost and can walk any street, witness to any person God leads me too and not be intimidated or ashamed of this Truth.

Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

But, lo, he speaketh boldly, and they say nothing unto him. Do the rulers know indeed that this is the very Christ? (John 7:24, 26 KJV)

And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. (Acts 4:33 KJV)

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. (Acts 1:8 KJV)

Railroad Engineer-
     I have learned that my labor and my
skillset as an engineer is valueable. That the job must be done at all hours of day or night, and that through bad weather and good, the trains must move. I have learned about persecution for my beliefs and rising above to be an example to some that they can come to for godly advice. 
     The ministry cannot stop, it must go forward. Under even the worst conditions we cannot stop trying to win souls for the Kingdom. We are to be humble in our beliefs and stand as Jesus stood, and turn the other cheek as necessary, at the same time contending for the faith.

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. (Luke 16:10 KJV)

And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:62 KJV)

Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf. (1 Peter 4:16 KJV)

Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. (Jude 1:3 KJV)

    No matter where you have been, God will use it for His glory. The delivered drug addict has just as powerful a testimony as the lifelong Holy Ghost filled saint.
     How can someone that has never touched a drug or drank alcohol be a witness to someone on the street who is going through those issues? God uses forgiven people to exhort to people that are living sinful lives, in a way that only someone who has been there can.

     God uses the lifelong saint who has never fallen to reach struggling saints. Only they can explain how hard it is to maintain their walk, the very real struggle of maintaining a holy lifestyle, and dealing with day to day issues that face every Christian in today's churches. 
    He will use a single mom to reach a young woman who may be on the verge of making a decision that could affect the rest of her life.

    So when you wonder why you may be in a certain place, or regret places you have been or things you have done, just
know that God will use that for His Glory. That those choices you made were wrong for you then, but right for God now. Know that guilt is not biblical and that you cannot see the Kingdom with unforgiveness in your heart. That includes unforgiveness for yourself. Pray that you can see yourself through God's eye's, and that He will reveal to you, your place in the Kingdom. 
     Know that when you repent and ask God to forgive you, that He blots that sin from His memory. If He is God and He forgives it, who are you to keep bringing it up?

Get prayed up and get busy in the Kingdom!


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Essay I wrote for school, explaining the basic necessity of baptism and infilling of the Holy Ghost for salvation

Course: Biblical Baptisms 503
Topic: Why must a person be both water and Holy Ghost baptized?

     Before we can explain why the water and Spirit baptism is an absolute necessity,  we must

determine the purpose for water baptism, and the purpose for baptism of the Holy Ghost.
     According to the Word of God the purpose of water baptism is for the remission of sins,

 meaning that we go into the water and are immersed, our sins literally are washed away and left in

the water.

Acts 10:43, (KJV) To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever be
believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.

Luke 24:47, (KJV) And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
     Having established the purpose of water baptism, we will now study the purpose of Jesus 

pouring out His Spirit upon his true followers in the Holy Ghost baptism.
     The purpose of Jesus placing His Spirit within us is very basic. Without it, we cannot be holy as

God commands., we cannot understand the written Word of God, and most importantly, we

CANNOT see the Kingdom of God.

Leviticus 20:26 And ye shall be holy unto me: for I the Lord am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be mine.

Luke 24:45 45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures.

Proverbs 1:23-24 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make 
known my words unto you. 24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded.

John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

     In all of the previous verses, it is clear that God is performing action to reach us, yet we think

that we can sit back, do nothing and that Jesus' blood will cover us, even though we refuse to act 

on His behalf. NOPE! Many people allow their pride to rule them, and keep them from experiencing

the fullness of God's blessing ONLY available after the infilling of the Holy Ghost. They really do

not know the power that they are missing out on. Paul said that we try to tell them, but if they be 

ignorant, let them be ignorant!
     Without the Spirit of Jesus in us, we can never see Heaven. Our flesh cannot mingle with God,

and only through the advocate residing in us, can we come before the throne God.

1 John 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
     When establishing the necessity of both water and Holy Ghost baptism, it is very important that

we establish scriptural references for God's salvation plan.
We live in the a world of fast food, Nigerian money scams, and smooth talking politicians.

The Church faces a much different generation than in years past. This generation is more

technologically savvy, and expects immediate results, therefore the days of tarrying for their needs

escapes them. There is a general distrust of the Church, even if not in the Word of God. Constant

media coverage of some television Evangelist caught stealing money, or real-time video footage of

false healing's and laundered money has left a blemish on the idea of being religious. There are many

people that will say that they are "spiritual", but when questioned on church attendance, or

faithfulness in tithing, they are very quick to point out the false "church is inside of us, we do not

need a building" doctrine. 
     When we are able to show a prospective new believer in the Word of God, where Jesus and other

men of God specifically address water baptism and the necessity of the infilling of the Holy Ghost, it

is hard for them to argue against the text. This is assuming we are dealing with unchurched people.

Typically, a person that has been raised outside of the Apostle's doctrine, yet is familiar with

scripture will need to have a personal experience with Jesus, before they can fully understand the

basic salvation requirements. (Luke 24:45 KJV)
     A person seeking true salvation, can only receive that salvation by following the only biblical

formula for salvation. This formula is laid out very plainly in Act 2:38.

Acts 2:38, KJV Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
     Having said all that, it takes only the Words of God Himself to convince me of that we must be

baptized in Jesus name, and that we must receive  the baptism of the Holy Ghost, as evidenced in

speaking with our tongues. Where did He say this?

John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

That's it, twenty five words that answer ninety percent of every question, ever raised in every

religious doctrinal debate.

This one statement made by Jesus proves many points:

1. We must be born again, no exceptions.

2. We must be baptized to be born again, not baptized for membership, or as a public profession of

faith, but baptized to be born again into the salvation of Christ Jesus.

3. We must receive His Spirit to be able to call ourselves born again. We can just be baptized and

be too embarrassed to receive the Holy Ghost, but that means we just got wet in baptism, because

we didn't get saved. We must be born of His Spirit. What is the Biblical evidence of being born of

Spirit?  Speaking in an unknown tongue.

4. Unless we fulfill the two basic requirements as a minimum, we cannot go to Heaven. No if's, and's

or but's. Our Pastor's can say whatever they want, but if what they are saying, does not add up to this

one basic statement (John 3:5), we should be running for the front door of the church.

A person must be baptized by water immersion, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, in order

(the answer and purpose of this essay) to enter the Kingdom of God.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Basic Rules on Teaching a Bible Study

Basic Rules on Teaching a Bible Study
(Excerpt from the Truth On Trial Teacher's Guide)

Congratulations on teaching a Bible Study!! Bibles studies still work, and if taught properly and consistently, can help establish a foundation of faith for the student that will last a lifetime. This may be the first time that your student has had a Bible study so it is vitally important that we, as teachers connect with them, and proceed with caution. I have included a short list of basic teaching rules that will assist you throughout this study.

1. Never go empty handed. Find out what kind of food the student likes, and take it with you. Pizza and sodas are inexpensive, do not require a lot of space, and reduce the distraction of setting up and later cleanup.

2. Reduce distractions as much as possible. Try to never teach a Bible study with small children present if possible. Have the older children sit in on the study, and allow them to engage. Keep coloring books and crayons on hand to keep the children busy while you teach. If interruptions happen (and they will), gently guide the student back on task by having them read a scripture from the study to refocus them.
Note 1** Teaching this study in your own home is the best possible scenario because you can better control the teaching environment.
Note 2** Try not to teach new students at your church. The student may feel pressured to "convert",  or may still be dealing with feelings of confusion about their own church or religion.

3. Smile.  Love is the greatest tool that we have in our toolbox. When we smile, it conveys love to the student, that we enjoy what we are doing, we are excited for their new adventure with Jesus, and it shows that we genuinely care about them, and enjoy their company. Smiles are contagious, and if we set the atmosphere early, it may reduce tension later if questions arise.

4.. Go slow. This material is designed as a secondary study to the Water and Spirit Bible study, written by Bro. James Burris. This may be the second study that your student has had. It begins to deal with the "meatier" subject of speaking in tongues, so it is vital that we cover every scripture, and discuss as necessary in order for the student to have a clear understanding.

5. DO NOT DEBATE. You will undoubtedly teach a student that has learned in other ways, or heard other things about the material we are covering. Never debate. Smile, and advise them that you can discuss the issue at the end of the study. Debating is detrimental to a learning environment such as this, and most like will negate anything that the Holy Spirit is doing for them. Remember. Let all things be done decently and in order. 1 Cor 14:40, KJV

6. Did I mention to smile?

7.  Answer all questions with scripture. Yes, we may have experiences and illustrations that may bring certain points home, but ALWAYS followup with the related scripture. Let the Word of God do it's work.

8. Schedule the next Bible study before you leave and have the student commit to a time, date, and location. Waiting to call after you have left them to schedule one makes it easy for the student to lose focus, lose interest, and schedule other events.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

We Must Be The Exception, Not the Rule


     It only takes one glance around us to see that the world around us is deteriorating rapidly. We live in a time and day when what used to be good, clean and honorable is now considered outdated, prudish, and outright wrong.
     Of course in direct opposition to that, those things that were once shied away from, looked down upon, and considered evil, are now being applauded, and commended.
     As Apostolics, we have a responsibility to hold our course. 
      I like it when someone identifies our churches as the "one's where the women wear skirts". How many other churches do you know of that can be readily identified by their appearance? It's not a Scarlet Letter to be labelled Apostolic or Pentecostal, it is a badge of honor

What does it mean to be "Apostolic'?

1. Apostolic Doctrine is the Word taught by the Apostles, who were personally instructed by Jesus.

2. Apostolic Lifestyle is inward and outward holiness (consecration) that results in separation from the world view. 

3. Apostolic Power is ministry that produces signs, wonders, and miracles.

4. Apostolic Dimension is walking with Jesus, being led by the Holy Spirit, faith for the supernatural, and exercising that faith in Jesus.

     I cannot count the number of times I have been asked by people of different faiths what I thought about certain scriptures.  Why?  
     I present myself in such a way as to be recognized as a man of God. I walk unashamedly in my anointing. I do not apologize for preaching or teaching the Word of God. I am a witness everywhere I set my feet. I choose to be different in how I present myself to people, how I speak, what boundaries I set, and how I allow God to handle situations rather than rely on my flesh.

     Do I present myself as a weakling? Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, I proudly walk in a  boldness that only a Holy Ghost filled believer can have. Anyone can be bold, but to the unchurched, that trait is for outward appearances only and has no value. To a Holy Ghost filled believer, that boldness is a part of who we are, it is now in our DNA as it was imparted in us on the day that we received the gift of the Holy Ghost, as evidenced by speaking in other tongues. It is part of the Power that Jesus refers to (Acts 1:8). Do all believers exhibit this boldness? No. They possess it, they just don't know how to access it. It isn't until we are able to wrap our mind around the entire Word of God that we can outwardly exhibit these traits. Can we heal? Yes. Can we cast out demons? Yes. Can we perform miracles greater than even Jesus performed? Yes.

It is this Power, that non Apostolics can see in us that drives them to us for answers. 

I have compiled a list of a few reasons why non-denominational and denominational people alike seek us out.

1. I truly believe that the number one reason in every case, is that Jesus is calling that person to search out Biblical Truths. He is reaching for them in a different way than He would reach for an addict, or a single mom struggling to make it. 

2. They are religious, but they do not have the Holy Spirit in them, therefore they are unable to "....rightly divide the word of truth."2 Tim 2:15.

3. These people were called by Jesus previously, but circumstances prevented them from going "all in", and they stopped short of  the full New Birth experience, choosing a path of  "easy believism". This is not to say that they are to blame. Maybe that was their only option at the time. Maybe the first person to witness to them after Jesus called them was someone who themselves didn't have full knowledge of who Jesus is and what he required for salvation.

     Whatever the reason, we should welcome any and all reasonable discussion of the Word of God and answer all questions with scripture, not opinions. Leave the debating for others, our job is to draw people in with the Fruit of the Spirit, and we cannot do that when we go out of our way to try to prove to them how little they know of scripture.

     We must embrace what makes us different from everyone else. When a visitor steps into an Apostolic church, there is a 99.9% chance that they know what to expect so there is no need to "tone down" our services or prayer times. That is called selling out and is unacceptable.

     In a world where every other church is changing their doctrine and selling out their beliefs for higher attendance, we must be the Church that holds the line and maintains a standard of flawless Biblical Truth. 
     When the people who are now filling those churches in order to seek God, realize that the only god there is commercialism, religiosity, and fluff, we will be properly positioned to receive those still-lost souls and show them how wonderful, real, and powerful Jesus is.
     As much as I do not wish any person be first distracted by impure doctrine, I welcome them into our churches from those others. 
     One step inside of an Apostolic church and they will feel the Spirit of Jesus, something they have never truly felt before. I have heard it countless times.  "I have been in church all of my life, and I have never really felt God until I came here!"

     So let's hold the line, do not feel pressured to turn into a church that never preaches against sin for fear of losing people. If we aren't telling people what the Bible calls a sin, how will they know? The other churches sure aren't going to tell them. 
     They are in our churches because they are tired of living that lifestyle and want to change. If they wanted fluff, they would have stayed where they were.

Hold the line, and don't stop preaching the Acts 2:38 message. There is NO other way. Jesus said it and I will always believe it.
Bro Shad

Friday, January 2, 2015

2015, A Time of Planning

     Just a few days into the new year and we are all off and running again. Chasing the gold watch, watching the bouncing ball as the our life quickly scrolls across the screen.
     It is my fervent prayer that we would all stop, take a few minutes, and envision where we would like to see ourselves in twelve months.

Do you have a vision of what your life should be like?

Do you like the direction you are going today?

Are you still under the delusion that you control your life?

How can you do something great this year and watch it grow?

Whether you want to admit it or not, when you started the new year, and set your personal resolutions, you set yourself up for failure when you failed to actively make the necessary changes in your life that would facilitate meeting those goals. Talk is cheap, we must put our hands to the plow.

Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to write the vision and make it plain. This has to be the second step in any endeavor before it can ever be successful.  What is the first? Prayer and supplication.  We must seek God's stamp of approval first. Sure you can be successful without involving God. People do it everyday and think nothing of it. There can be no redemptive value in the Kingdom for something that was created for the sole intent and purpose of stroking your ego or satisfying the flesh, and if you set out on a new journey without God, then it can only be flesh sending you.

You have now prayed, and hopefully fasted. You believe that you have received a Word from God on your plan, vision, or idea.  If the Word is "yes", go for it.  If it is "no", keep praying and let God give you a fresh vision.

Begin by writing your vision in meticulous detail. Picture your vision as a jigsaw puzzle and decide which pieces you will need to arrange to establish the foundation that you will later build on.  Don't get sloppy, take your time. It is Biblical that you set a solid foundation for what God WILL accomplish through you.

Always recognize that it is only by and for the Glory of God that you are able to accomplish anything. To think that  by your talent alone  these things are happening is unwise and unbiblical.

Your vision is written.

Now write a timeline of when you expect to have  certain "puzzle pieces"  in place.

Start with setting a monthly goal if it is appropriate for your vision.  For my street ministry, I started with a one month goal, then went to a  one year goal, a five year goal, then ten, and finally twenty years.
Do not be afraid to come back later and adjust your goals. You may meet some early, or you may fail to meet others. That is not failure. Failure would be described as having never started the journey. An unmet goal is no big deal, as long as you continue to move in that direction.

Just plan the work, work the plan, and let God do His part, and you will make it!!

Remember anything worth doing, is worth doing well, and if you are doing it for God, it must be done to perfection through reverence to Him.
God Bless.
Bro Shad