Friday, January 2, 2015

2015, A Time of Planning

     Just a few days into the new year and we are all off and running again. Chasing the gold watch, watching the bouncing ball as the our life quickly scrolls across the screen.
     It is my fervent prayer that we would all stop, take a few minutes, and envision where we would like to see ourselves in twelve months.

Do you have a vision of what your life should be like?

Do you like the direction you are going today?

Are you still under the delusion that you control your life?

How can you do something great this year and watch it grow?

Whether you want to admit it or not, when you started the new year, and set your personal resolutions, you set yourself up for failure when you failed to actively make the necessary changes in your life that would facilitate meeting those goals. Talk is cheap, we must put our hands to the plow.

Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to write the vision and make it plain. This has to be the second step in any endeavor before it can ever be successful.  What is the first? Prayer and supplication.  We must seek God's stamp of approval first. Sure you can be successful without involving God. People do it everyday and think nothing of it. There can be no redemptive value in the Kingdom for something that was created for the sole intent and purpose of stroking your ego or satisfying the flesh, and if you set out on a new journey without God, then it can only be flesh sending you.

You have now prayed, and hopefully fasted. You believe that you have received a Word from God on your plan, vision, or idea.  If the Word is "yes", go for it.  If it is "no", keep praying and let God give you a fresh vision.

Begin by writing your vision in meticulous detail. Picture your vision as a jigsaw puzzle and decide which pieces you will need to arrange to establish the foundation that you will later build on.  Don't get sloppy, take your time. It is Biblical that you set a solid foundation for what God WILL accomplish through you.

Always recognize that it is only by and for the Glory of God that you are able to accomplish anything. To think that  by your talent alone  these things are happening is unwise and unbiblical.

Your vision is written.

Now write a timeline of when you expect to have  certain "puzzle pieces"  in place.

Start with setting a monthly goal if it is appropriate for your vision.  For my street ministry, I started with a one month goal, then went to a  one year goal, a five year goal, then ten, and finally twenty years.
Do not be afraid to come back later and adjust your goals. You may meet some early, or you may fail to meet others. That is not failure. Failure would be described as having never started the journey. An unmet goal is no big deal, as long as you continue to move in that direction.

Just plan the work, work the plan, and let God do His part, and you will make it!!

Remember anything worth doing, is worth doing well, and if you are doing it for God, it must be done to perfection through reverence to Him.
God Bless.
Bro Shad

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