Sunday, January 4, 2015

We Must Be The Exception, Not the Rule


     It only takes one glance around us to see that the world around us is deteriorating rapidly. We live in a time and day when what used to be good, clean and honorable is now considered outdated, prudish, and outright wrong.
     Of course in direct opposition to that, those things that were once shied away from, looked down upon, and considered evil, are now being applauded, and commended.
     As Apostolics, we have a responsibility to hold our course. 
      I like it when someone identifies our churches as the "one's where the women wear skirts". How many other churches do you know of that can be readily identified by their appearance? It's not a Scarlet Letter to be labelled Apostolic or Pentecostal, it is a badge of honor

What does it mean to be "Apostolic'?

1. Apostolic Doctrine is the Word taught by the Apostles, who were personally instructed by Jesus.

2. Apostolic Lifestyle is inward and outward holiness (consecration) that results in separation from the world view. 

3. Apostolic Power is ministry that produces signs, wonders, and miracles.

4. Apostolic Dimension is walking with Jesus, being led by the Holy Spirit, faith for the supernatural, and exercising that faith in Jesus.

     I cannot count the number of times I have been asked by people of different faiths what I thought about certain scriptures.  Why?  
     I present myself in such a way as to be recognized as a man of God. I walk unashamedly in my anointing. I do not apologize for preaching or teaching the Word of God. I am a witness everywhere I set my feet. I choose to be different in how I present myself to people, how I speak, what boundaries I set, and how I allow God to handle situations rather than rely on my flesh.

     Do I present myself as a weakling? Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, I proudly walk in a  boldness that only a Holy Ghost filled believer can have. Anyone can be bold, but to the unchurched, that trait is for outward appearances only and has no value. To a Holy Ghost filled believer, that boldness is a part of who we are, it is now in our DNA as it was imparted in us on the day that we received the gift of the Holy Ghost, as evidenced by speaking in other tongues. It is part of the Power that Jesus refers to (Acts 1:8). Do all believers exhibit this boldness? No. They possess it, they just don't know how to access it. It isn't until we are able to wrap our mind around the entire Word of God that we can outwardly exhibit these traits. Can we heal? Yes. Can we cast out demons? Yes. Can we perform miracles greater than even Jesus performed? Yes.

It is this Power, that non Apostolics can see in us that drives them to us for answers. 

I have compiled a list of a few reasons why non-denominational and denominational people alike seek us out.

1. I truly believe that the number one reason in every case, is that Jesus is calling that person to search out Biblical Truths. He is reaching for them in a different way than He would reach for an addict, or a single mom struggling to make it. 

2. They are religious, but they do not have the Holy Spirit in them, therefore they are unable to "....rightly divide the word of truth."2 Tim 2:15.

3. These people were called by Jesus previously, but circumstances prevented them from going "all in", and they stopped short of  the full New Birth experience, choosing a path of  "easy believism". This is not to say that they are to blame. Maybe that was their only option at the time. Maybe the first person to witness to them after Jesus called them was someone who themselves didn't have full knowledge of who Jesus is and what he required for salvation.

     Whatever the reason, we should welcome any and all reasonable discussion of the Word of God and answer all questions with scripture, not opinions. Leave the debating for others, our job is to draw people in with the Fruit of the Spirit, and we cannot do that when we go out of our way to try to prove to them how little they know of scripture.

     We must embrace what makes us different from everyone else. When a visitor steps into an Apostolic church, there is a 99.9% chance that they know what to expect so there is no need to "tone down" our services or prayer times. That is called selling out and is unacceptable.

     In a world where every other church is changing their doctrine and selling out their beliefs for higher attendance, we must be the Church that holds the line and maintains a standard of flawless Biblical Truth. 
     When the people who are now filling those churches in order to seek God, realize that the only god there is commercialism, religiosity, and fluff, we will be properly positioned to receive those still-lost souls and show them how wonderful, real, and powerful Jesus is.
     As much as I do not wish any person be first distracted by impure doctrine, I welcome them into our churches from those others. 
     One step inside of an Apostolic church and they will feel the Spirit of Jesus, something they have never truly felt before. I have heard it countless times.  "I have been in church all of my life, and I have never really felt God until I came here!"

     So let's hold the line, do not feel pressured to turn into a church that never preaches against sin for fear of losing people. If we aren't telling people what the Bible calls a sin, how will they know? The other churches sure aren't going to tell them. 
     They are in our churches because they are tired of living that lifestyle and want to change. If they wanted fluff, they would have stayed where they were.

Hold the line, and don't stop preaching the Acts 2:38 message. There is NO other way. Jesus said it and I will always believe it.
Bro Shad

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