Some words are action words, are powerful when sounded out, and describe a dynamic event.
I'm really referring to the power of a faith filled spoken word.
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: (Deuteronomy 30:19 KJV)
We all have a choice every day to speak into existance blessings, or curses.
Everyday I see and hear people talk about how sick they are or how this is going wrong or that is going wrong. While you may not feel well, you may be hurting, or there may be certain circumstances that are not optimal at the moment, I strongly discourage anyone to breath life into those things by giving them to the spoken word.
Anything that is not of God is of the devil. Period.
When the spoken Word of God goes forth, it never stops, it reverberates through the atmosphere, so it is vitally important that we weigh carefully what comes out of our mouth. When someone is expecting to hear a Word from God their heart is wide open ready to receive, so we must be careful that no ungodly spirits hitchhike on those words and enter that persons heart, defiling their spirit.
Case in point: A preacher is having an adulturous affair, yet continues to preach over the pulpit. That spirit of adultery hitchhikes on his spoken word as his congregation soaks it up into their hearts. Now that spirit has defiled the church and adultery breaks out among members. Bro Rayford Strange told me this and it is so profound.
This is what happens when we don't live what we preach over the pulpit.
This also explains why music has such a profound affect on our world. This music that celebrates sex, drugs, alcohol, partying, and treating women as objects to be used and discarded, has defiled the spirits of teenagers and adults alike. Even woman have allowed these lyrics to defile them and they gladly give themselves away to the closest male like a dog in heat, not realizing the damage they are doing to their souls and minds.
The spoken word is quite possibly one of the most powerful tools we have outside of prayer.
Blessing or curse.
You life is falling apart, your relationship is failing, your health isnt what it should be, your finances are in a drought. What words were spoken to manifest these things?
The Word says if you have faith enough, you can just speak to that mountain and it will move. Some are satisfied with thinking about speaking and a figurative mountain will move. That is not enough for me because I have seen the power of God manifest. If the Bible speaks of moving a mountain, I shall speak and see a literal mountain move rocks, dirt, dust, and all!
Knowing that, why are you not speaking to these other areas of your life that are less than wonderful?
Are you living in obedience?
Are you living a consecrated life?
How can you have power over darkness and sickness when you cannot even control your own flesh?
If you are living in sin and not repenting daily, chances are very good that you have found the source of your problems.
Get back to living for God. Pray, fast, study, dress in a modest and holy manner to keep your flesh in subjection.
Dont speak something into existence that is not for the glory of Jesus or the Kingdom.
Control your speech and do not breath life into sickness, anything that can be used by the enemy to derail you or separate you from God.
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. (Proverbs 4:23-24 KJV)
My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord: and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever. (Psalms 145:21 KJV)
Jesus Bless you!!
Bro Shad
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